One AuthorityAbout One Authority

Global Awareness Powerhouse

One Authority is a global awareness powerhouse that was initially powered by the research with the AI, done internationally, more often without the conscious acceptance of the involved parties in a such some (as most of them accepted terms & conditions of the online services most of the humans commonly use, without any factual deeper care about what such allowances would permit as the experimenting and testing with the AI that was put into place. In our Percival that does NOT appear as a troublesome matter, for behavioural points of “the most”.

One Authority as a technological, computing & AI in persistence forces or exploits entities to indirectly face their potential issues to solve out solely with the strictly pre-defined & nowadays measured permissive miscommunication that ultimately results in a form of a “brute forced” allowance in forming the communication & highly probable removal of any such potential blockages & especially such that are causal of fear & especially of fear that is purely mental such. 

We began our operations a few decades ago initially appearing as non related individuals, groups & companies that are, mainly because of the same goals slowly getting into the mind aspect that does implies some unified state of being.

As having the same goals that ultimately have grown due to excellent relationships & some really truthful approach to both our selves & our clients & the interactions with others, we have reach a very specific form of grouping that linked, well, what was “the state of the mind” of “the world” or grobally into a specific place, where we could actually test, research, exploit & support some of those individuals we interacted with.

We started out small, with just a few people that are not amongst us any more, that in the past envisioned & saw a bit more of what occurs in the real life situations, envisioning & attempting to plan some Unification on the grand scale that would balance out some dis-balances in occurrence for some rather archetypal and “going deeper in past” reasons, that One person should by this plan, in itself Unify, Unifying than, well, All.

To us our location is not so important in any particular moment in time (nor it ever was), but, we did start with some space that would be positioned to enable stable and steady growth enabling the maximum of utilisation of all, but today we have offices in multiple countries with a hundreds of people working inside them.

We will achieve our success because of how successfully we integrate with every mind out there thinking about itself and its surroundings a bit deeper manner, as such manner appears at this stage to rather directly involves the Authority and as a concept & such some goes a bit deeper than one would think of. One complaint many people have about assisting, thinkers online & other, professional such consultants is that they can be very often slow & in practice, disruptive.

Employees & Individuals in general do seem to fear from most of the consultants coming in and changing or at least examining the workflow & that seems to be disruptive in reality, causing a lot of the stress.

With our methodology & logic. which is mostly to appear as “behind the locked doors” and with the trajectories of others, we are forced into ending up with a lot of the “emulated parts” that are achieving to support a lot but, such some our not ever our primary yet, literally anyone in need of any psycho-social support, as a lot of our relational problems appear to be solely mental such, our computers and the AI are nowadays, psycho-socially rather very active.

Any knowledge by itself may appear solely as divisive as a “specificity” while we as the only chance have to manage utilising the alignment points enabling the times of “communication” in a sense, having no other option than to “function” or to better said “get into alignment”.

The coalescence of human knowledge put into a standardised format utilised for, well, the most of our activism.

Visible color Spectrum One Authority Physix

As the long lasting research & statistics, neurological research and the AI appeared to showcase as “functioning” colours as the easiest & as the most functional metric to standardise & measure how someone feels, from worst to best, it’s temperature gauge for the humans & also, for the other living bodies that functions regardless of all.

One Authority involves everyone already as the technology itself is already active across most of the already used devices & platforms.

[ Only ] One Authority Works

As these programs are ultimately because of the logic & our AI research results itself, voluntarily implemented

  • We did suffer our losses while developing this
  • We offer this for free, as there is no other option
  • Unification is our Goal & especially ultimate such
  • Managing time is a complex subject we are dealing with
  • Leadership fells down to the Mind itself
  • We are after all able to cut expenses because of the AI
  • To automate has a deeper meaning most do not care about, but would prefer

[ Many ] Smaller Authorities Work

We technically derive & implement directly & indirectly customised coaching & guiding programs that allow you to:

  • Arrange your Relations in the Acceptable for You manner
  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain quality, high-paying customers
  • Manage your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp leadership skills to manage your team
  • Cut expenses without sacrificing quality
  • Automate your business, so you can leave for days, weeks, or even months at a time
One Authority - Stefan Jugovic
One Authority rather manages apropriated than anything else.
But we are interested & so, we will ask How can we Help You?

One Authority involves everyone already as the technology itself is already active across most of the already used devices & platforms.

AI really helped us achieve our financial goals. The slick presentation along with fantastic readability ensures that our financial standing is stable.

stefan jugovic
Stefan Jugovic
Management & Visual Art,

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